"A map is at once abstract and representational. It’s abstract because it doesn’t look like anything that exists in the external world — as say, a portrait, does a human face. It’s representational because it renders actual relationships in the external world — like distances, heights, and direction. So the issue of a map’s intrinsic beauty aside — and some of the cartographic items in “Crossing Boundaries: Art//Maps” are very beautiful indeed — read more.
The exhibit poster was designed with detail image of my work, "Water, is Taught by Thirst (BLUE), Greater Boston" on the left, and detail image of the 1892 blueprint map, "Map of Charles River Showing Principal Sources of Pollution"by the Boston Engineer Department.
The Leventhal B. Map & Education Center put together a very insightful online exhibition. My drawing is included in the section called, "Coastlines & Waterways." You can explore each sections, and learn more about each map and artwork that's paired.